Science and God: Pre-release Preview Part 2

This summer, our church’s Sunday School program pulled together a curriculum for the K-5th grade students. They focused on God and science. Biologists, mathematicians, astronomers, nurses, and chemists from our church congregation presented lessons to the children each Sunday morning, accompanied by group experiments, worship songs, and more. The kids came alive with each presentation and excitedly discussed God and science in one breath. We could all see that something uniquely important had taken place this summer.  God and science aren’t two opposed “things” to these children; they go hand in hand. It was a beautiful effort on the part of our teachers and members, and is one of the many reasons we’re thankful to presently be part of this church body.

This should be happening in our homes, too!

Science and God: A Misunderstood Relationship

They aren’t diametrically opposed. You don’t have to choose one or the other, or check one at the door while you practice the other. The Christian should be able to confidently believe in God and have trust in the tool, science, that He made possible.

This week I read Part 2 of Natasha Crain’s forthcoming Talking with Your Kids about God, Science and God. The topics felt even more powerful for me as I reflected on this summer’s Sunday School experience. Each chapter digs in to questions like “Can science prove or disprove God’s existence?,” “Do science and religion contradict each other?,” and “Is God just an explanation for what science doesn’t yet know?” By the end of the reading, you’ll be chomping at the bit for a chance to discuss these topics with your children. It can be easy for us to become overwhelmed by the Bill Nyes and Neil DeGrasse Tysons of the world until we start digging deeper than the headlines and lift the curtain on their sometimes hollow presentations.

Scientists are Atheists

In the final chapter of Part 2, “What do scientists believe about God?,” Crain clarifies and debunks the claim that 93% of scientists are atheists. If it comes as a surprise to you that that number is thrown around dishonestly, well, I’d highly highly recommend picking up this book. You’ll be better prepared to start a conversation with your child about the nature of science and their place as a believer.

Natasha's new book! Science and God

Available for Preorder

Already intrigued by Part 2? Talking with Your Kids about God is available for preorder here with a release date of October 17, 2017.

Coming soon: Part 3: The Nature of God

Revisit Part 1 here.

We received a free preview copy of this book from the publisher, Baker Books. We already enjoyed Natasha’s existing work, so the free-ness isn’t influencing our perspective.