4 years later: thank you!

4 Years Later: THANK YOU!

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since we started blogging and producing books for Picture Book Apologetics! That’s crazy talk, since it feels like it can’t have been more than a year? Then again, in those 4 years, we’ve made 70 blog posts, started up Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, and produced 5 children’s books (9 if you count the translated versions, and 11 if you count the 2 that will drop before the end of this year!). Not to mention the 2 children that have joined our family during that time. I suppose it really HAS been 4 years.

The Kickstarter project that started it all came to a close on August 30, 2013, and since then we’ve been blessed to meet other likeminded Christians who believe that children are not only ABLE to grasp apologetics concepts but actually WANT to learn them! We’re so grateful for each of you, whether you’ve walked alongside us from the beginning or we’ve only recently been introduced, and I wanted to tell you that today.


God is faithful to raise up workers and to provide for those He has called. Thank you for being a part of that work. We look forward to seeing the ways the Lord will continue to meet the needs of the next generation, and how our present generation will contribute to that work.

The Next 4 Years

  • We’d love to hear from you! What has God placed on your heart for reaching children with the Gospel? How will apologetics be a part of your effort? What questions do the kids in your life keep asking? How have Picture Book Apologetics books helped you teach your kids? Please email us at admin@youthapologeticsnetwork.com or let us know on social media!
  • Don’t forget to connect with us: 
    Let’s follow each other on Twitter: @youthapolonet
    After that, let’s be friends on Facebook: /YouthApologeticsNetwork
    We’re also on Instagram: @picturebookapologetics #pbakid
    And we’d love to see your pins on Pinterest: /picturebookapol