Tag: soul

  • Where Does the Soul Come From? Part 2

    Where Does the Soul Come From? Part 2

    In Part 1 of our “Where Does the Soul Come From?” series, I addressed the theory of pre-existence. The idea we will look at today is Traducianism. It is important to note that, beyond affirming that God is the ultimate author of our souls, this is not an essential Christian doctrine. During the next two installments,…

  • Where Does the Soul Come From? Part 1

    Where Does the Soul Come From? Part 1

    If you have children, or work with children, or have spent five minutes with a child, you know that they ask a lot of questions. A LOT of questions. Sometimes my children ask me questions that really stretch my brain as I try to answer them in a satisfying and understandable way. Sometimes I don’t want to make the…