motivation when you just can't even

4 ways to find motivation ON THE DAYS YOU JUST CAN’T EVEN

To be fair, I’m probably not the right person to be penning this post. In a given month, there are many days during which I “just can’t even” and don’t scrounge up sufficient motivation to accomplish much-needed tasks- mopping floors, raking the chicken run, and reading a book falls by the wayside. Cracking my Bible open begins to feel like a chore. That’s when I know the motivation needs to happen and the “can’t even” excuses need to end, and I suppose that’s why I’m writing this post: defending the faith is an active process, we’ve ALL been through a drought, and we can help each other out.

Even Jesus needed a break

You know he did. He took time away to pray and refresh himself. Interacting with 2 children is draining- imagine crowds of 5,000. He took naps, he relaxed at a table with his friends, he withdrew from teaching and took some time. BUT. He always got back on his horse (er, donkey). I think the important thing to remember is two-fold: he knew when to take breaks, but he also knew that that place of withdrawal was not a place to stay. We can become complacent, so being aware of where our heart is on a given day is important. Take breaks, but know when to jump back in.

the motivation donkey

So, how do we get back on our motivation donkey?

Here are four things that help jostle me out of a funk and just might give you the kick you need, too. Sometimes I only need one, sometimes it takes all four, but eventually I’m able to see and remember that God isn’t gently suggesting I make His work my work, he’s commanding it.

  1. Take a deep breath and remember that God is doing the heavy lifting.

    Sometimes we burn out because we’ve taken on too much. We’ve lost sight of the who or the how or the why and we need to remind ourselves that He is in charge. How does one remind oneself? Glad you asked…

  2. Read your Bible even when you have to force yourself.

    Sometimes, I know, you have to WILL yourself to read. Do it anyway. Only managed to squeeze in one chapter? The Holy Spirit can work with that. I find that some of my most regular and fruitful periods of reading can begin with a few days of hesitant resignation. It’s a problem, yes, but God is faithful to work with us through it. The more you read, the more you’ll be reminded of God’s heart for you and for others, and your desire to learn and defend will be rekindled. Give it time.

  3. Ask a kid about their faith questions.

    Just ask “What is your biggest, hardest question about God?” and let them talk. You won’t need to wonder why apologetics is important anymore after that; you’ll have a million ideas and reminders of why defending the faith from a young age is PRICELESS. Here are 4 questions they might ask.

  4. Spend time with people who are more motivated than you right now.

    Find someone who isn’t exhausted and ask them what they’re up to. See what books they’re reading, find out what outreach they’re taking part in, ask about the projects they’re working on. Some of that drive is sure to excite you and remind you of the books and projects and ideas YOU are passionate about. Give it a shot. Not to guilt you into action, no, but to remind you of your own purpose and to let you borrow just a bit of their spark to reignite your own fire.

How do you get through the “just can’t even” patches?

What are your tips for finding motivation again? Share your strategy with us on Facebook or Twitter to help someone else get back in the apologetics groove.